Direct access to experts in all the areas you need to launch and grow a sustainable business
Accelerate your business growth with this 12 week fully-funded programme
Do you want to:
- Scale your business at pace?
- Receive 1-1 business mentoring?
- Understand how to overcome those areas that are preventing you from going to the next level?
- Join a wider entrepreneurial and innovative community?
- Have a base for your business alongside a place for you to learn and grow?
If the answer is yes, then HOST 50 is for you!
HOST 50 provides a unique opportunity to develop skills alongside like-minded entrepreneurs and become part of a supportive and inclusive community.
Benefit from:
- 1-1 mentoring with successful entrepreneurs and businesses who can help you develop your skills further. Offering support, advice and guidance.
- Interactive webinars with leading experts on topics such as pitching, sales, mindset, finance streams and innovation.
- Use of an innovative online platform, easily accessible with resources and reminders for your Zoom sessions. It also includes the chance to talk to your fellow entrepreneurs, passing around good practice, hints and tips.
- The ability to use the co-working space in HOST with free coffee from our local partners, Grindsmith!
- Tech support available for issues you might be encountering with a product/service.
- Access to HOST Labs; including rapid prototyping, multi-functional makers space, immersive lab and our in-house cyber security experts.
- Accountability groups: allowing you to make plans and stick to them.
- Pitch, pitch and pitch again. Like Dragon’s Den (but better!).
- Social events at HOST, allowing you to meet our partners and network with other local businesses.
- Business innovation education… How to scale at pace!
- An eco-system of support through the diverse team at HOST/ In4Group.
Applications for the next Host 50 programme, the start date will be announced shortly.
HOST 50 offers you:
An inclusive, welcoming and supportive community that allows you to network, share opportunities and learnings.
A dedicated mentor from our team will work with you to identify the support you need, ensuring you make connections across the HOST community.
Access to best-in-class internet throughout all indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing a seamless experience across MediaCity, the first ‘connected neighbourhood’ in Europe.
We surround you with an eco-system of support. You will have access to mentors with various sector and domain expertise, academic institution support, technical expertise, access to the experts in innovation and facilities that can help you develop your technology.
HOST 50 is a 12-week business accelerator for innovators and entrepreneurs launching and growing sustainable businesses, looking to enhance their entrepreneurial skills alongside their digital and technical offerings.
This programme is fully funded and has been developed to create a safe space to validate ideas, create powerful enterprises and to influence and shape the world through collaboration, community and innovation. HOST 50 allows businesses to understand how to grow your business at pace. HOST 50 provides weekly workshops on topics relevant to entrepreneurs and start-ups, community events, mentorship and access to experts that can help you to accelerator your business growth.
If you are a business that is registered in Greater Manchester you are encouraged to apply. We are specifically interested in those businesses who have the ambition and capacity to innovate and grow and who:
- Are ready to test and build their early-stage business ideas
- Have a desire to develop skills in business modelling, finance, and marketing
- Want to explore new revenue streams, cost structures and routes to market
- Are keen to become part of a wider entrepreneurial and innovative community
Applicants must possess or business registration number. We do not discriminate based on race, colour, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, gender or sexual orientation.
How much does the programme cost?
HOST50 is fully funded, and therefore provided at no cost to programme participants. The funding is provided through a range of organisations and programmes. You will be expected to invest your own time and effort into the programme. The more you put into the programme, the more you will be able to take away from it.
To be able to quality for funding your business must be based in the UK, have less than 250 FTE employees, have a turnover of less than £43m or a Balance Sheet less than £37m, and have a registered business address in Greater Manchester (to note: this programme comes with the ability to register your business at HOST).
Does the programme take equity?
Does the programme make an investment?
HOST 50 is run by HOST, IN4.0 Group and its team of Bethany Langan (Senior Innovation Manager), and Catherine Jones (Innovation & Community Manager). The mentors and ambassadors are from HOST’s innovation and entrepreneurship community.
Do I have to be a first time entrepreneur?
No. Whilst HOST 50 is great for new entrepreneurs, we also accept early-stage founders who might be already working on something but are pre-product-market fit or in need of a pivot. Furthermore, this programme will benefit those with a MVP though seeking business growth support, and a wider innovation community / network.
Can I apply if I work full-time, am finishing university or am a stay-at-home parent?
Yes! Some of the most successful businesses originally started as side projects. Some founders worked on their products for years before they became successful enough to go all in. So, you don’t need to quit your job to go through HOST 50, you do, however, need to be available to attend workshops which are arranged over lunchtime hours.
Can you sign an NDA agreement?
No. We do not sign NDAs in order to receive or review applications. This is a common misconception for founders new to the start-up world that their idea is the most valuable part and must not be shared. The reality is most ideas have been thought of before and execution is everything. You will limit yourself greatly if you require NDAs prior to discussing your ideas as most investors, fellow founders, educational providers, and the like will not sign them
The programme begins on the 9th January 2023 (these dates are subject to minor changes)
Where does the HOST 50 accelerator take place?
HOST 50 will be delivered through both mostly virtual sessions. We would expect participants to attend the opening event on the 9th January 2023 in Media City.
What is included with acceptance to the HOST 50 programme?
Mentoring sessions, innovation education, live webinars giving you the chance to direct questions to experts in the field of entrepreneurship, peer-to-peer support, access to co-working space, access to technical support and expertise, a place where you can register your business, access to our broad range of technical facilities.
Will I automatically be accepted?
We want to make sure that you are the right fit for HOST 50, and that the programme will be able to meet your needs. As a result you will not automatically be accepted onto the programme.
When you submit your application our team will be in contact to discuss your eligibility and fit, and discuss your options
What is the deadline for the application?
The deadline for applications will be announced soon. Please note, places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and do fill up quickly. To increase your chances of a successful application, we would suggest that you submit this as soon as possible.
Need to get in touch?
If you have any further questions about HOST 50, feel free to contact us:
We've joined HOST and with its core focus on education and skills, it just felt like the right place for us to be and we really want to be at the centre of this vibrant ecosystem.